Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A Time For Heroes

History is filled with many heroes; conquerors and defenders, those that stood up when there country was threatened by others demanding bloodshed. The same can be said for this country; when ever we were threatened by outside forces, we saw brave souls who gave there lives to protect this country. Without them we would be seeing a very dark, different day today. But heroes, are not only needed when a country is threatened by outside forces, but also when someone is needed to do what’s right. And today, this country needs a hero.
Today we are facing one of the darkest times in our little countries history. Corruption has become the way of life for our society. Violence has become the solution for our problems. Drugs are destroying the lives of our youth and there families. Everyone knows this, everyone says it, but that’s just as far as it goes. Everyone is too busy advancing there own lives to do anything about it. After all why not? Everything comes down to money; corruption is money, violence is money, drugs are money, and it seems money makes everything better for most people.
We have been filled by people advancing there own lives under the guise of doing the right thing. People preaching promises of better times and freedom to an audience that doesn’t even know what freedom really is. Flying the flag of freedom only as a means to power. We have become a country of idiots who cannot think for ourselves and cowards who would rather do the easy thing rather than the right thing. We have thrown away the peace we enjoyed for so long in return for false promises and a divided nation.
Is this the nation or forefathers sacrificed there lives for? Did they defend it from outside forces with there every breath only to have it destroyed by us? I highly doubt it; they would turn in there graves to know that all they did might just be in vain. Today there is almost no one, especially within out youth, who would truly fight, or give there lives up for this country. Maybe it’s because it may no longer be a country worth fighting for. A country filled with people who cannot even tell right from wrong. A country filled with people who cannot even think for themselves.
Every nation is filled with people of different ideas, thoughts and walks of life. But that’s what a country is, that’s what makes up a country. That’s what makes a country great. It’s those different ideas and thoughts that make up a nation. It is not a basis for division and discrimination. We have shown on various occasions that we all can get along, if we really want to.
This country is heading for even darker times if we let it. All we need is someone, who is truly working for the good of the nation, to step up and do what is right; someone to lead by example and be a true leader and icon. A hero who will sacrifice himself for the good of a nation rather than his own gain. But, does such a person even exist?

"Heroes are people who take on the problems of others, simply because no one else will" - Crimson Solace

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Still Standing

SPOILER WARNING: The first paragraph of this post contains, major spoilers of the movie, The Mist by Stephan King. If you do not want to read it, skip the first paragraph.

How many of you have watched the Stephan King's The Mist that was released in 2007? It’s an exceptionally good movie with a bit of a twist at the end. It’s a story about a group of people trapped in a supermarket due to a sudden mist that appears. It is not the mist itself that is dangerous, but the un-earthly creatures of the mist. The story mainly focuses on a man named David Drayton and his five year old son Billy Drayton. Towards the end of the movie, David, his son and three other people manage to escape from the supermarket in a car. They drive till the fuel tank becomes empty, but is unable to find an end to the mist. So rather than to face a gruesome and painful death of there bodies been torn apart by monsters, they decide to use a gun to kill themselves. However with only four bullets left, David decides to kill everyone else and sacrifice himself. But moments after he shoots his own son and the other survivors, people who appear to be the army appears, vanquishing the monsters, thinning the mist and helping any survivors. This movie, in my opinion, is an exaggeration of how life can be. You never know what’s around the corner, which is why, you should never give up.

Life from birth until death is a war. You face one battle after another, and face times of peace and serenity. From the kid who is worried about failing his next math test, to the business man facing bankruptcy and an unfaithful wife, we are all facing our problems. In almost everyone’s lives, we come to a point at which we feel that things can’t get any worse, that there is absolutely no way out of the hole you just fell into. But the fact of the matter is, life can always, it can always get worse. But just as it can get worse, it can always get better too.

Different people act differently during trying times, some people fight, some people run away, some people release there anger and frustration on the ones they love, and some people simply decide to check out. But nothing, no matter how bad, or how hard life gets, is worth ending your life over. Even when things get darkest, you never know what tomorrow will bring. Doe instance if your bankrupt, live poor for a while and try to get back on your feet. You can always live on. It is those who endure life’s pains and sorrows, which truly see a better a day. No matter how worse things get, believe that it can always get better, just as easily as it got worse. And that somewhere out there, there is someone in a much worse of condition than you.

Sometimes when life rears is ugly head at us; we tend to take it out on the people who care about us; our family, friends, spouses or girlfriends and boyfriends. They certainly do not deserve that. But in the frustration, anger and sorrow we feel, we tend to turn against them even when all they are doing is trying to help. However the fact is, at times like these, friends are really who you need most. With good friends, you can overcome, and survive trough anything. Discarding them or distancing ourselves from them will only make our lives worse, for both us and our friends.

Life seldom turns out the way we want it, things go wrong, and we end up in situations that we do not wish for. But that shouldn’t mean we should throw in the towel and check ourselves out of this life. History has shown great people, and even today there are people who we admire. But those that are truly great, are those who get hit over and over again, and still keep going.

“The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit, it is about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward, how much can you take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where you are because of him, or her, or anybody. Cowards do that and that ain't you.” - Rocky Balboa; Rocky Balboa (2006)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Epilogue: My Friends

To me, meeting all of them had been a life changing experience. It was shortly after I had decided to pick up the pieces of my shattered life that I met them. And I will have to say, without them keeping going forward without looking back, would have be so much harder. They showed me that there was a life beyond what I once loved and valued. That there is still so much out there left to see.
Sasuke had been my friend long before I met the rest of them, one of my closest friends. He knew me during the times when I thought death might be a bit better than this (no, I never tried to kill myself :P). He is great friend who I know I can count on, and was there through the hard times to cheer me on. He has also been trying hard to find me someone else, but pity he mostly knows girls his age :P. He’s cool and fun to hang out with, although he still has much to learn. But hey 14 is still young, he’s got time.
B1 has become a great friend over the past few weeks. It was my pleasure helping her through her problems, and it seems something’s I said influenced some of her biggest decisions (though I am not really sure I say things THAT good, maybe she just hasn’t heard a lot). Out of everyone she’s who I know most about, she’s like an honorary little sister....hehe (not belittling anyone else). Fun and interesting to hang out with and nice to have conversations with. Well I hope she now has a hot enough guy to sit at my wedding with ;) (If I ever have one that is).
B2...aah B2, hmmmm....sadly haven’t been able to talk to her much, as she rarely gets online anymore. It seems she’s trying to get an honour-listed to get a mobile phone. Good luck with that by the way. B2 has many of the qualities I like, hyperactive, talkative outgoing, smart, funny.....and easy to spook and annoy (now that parts just for my entertainment). Ya I know I tease her a lot, but that’s just fun, I think she’s awesome, I just wonder how she will be given some more years, thinking how she is now. Now, that will be something interesting to see.
DM sure turned my opinion about her around in the weeks that followed. For one thing I don’t think the name DM is really about....BUTT GIRL....hehehe....just kidding. Uuuh I really can’t think of a new name right now, let’s just go with what she likes to say is the long form of DM, we can go with that, though she really isn’t in anyway dangerous. She’s really talkative one you get to know her better, both online and in person, I love her frog-run too :P. She’s someone awesome to talk to when you’re bored at work or just lonely, she can really make the day interesting with some of the stuff she says. A bit childish at times, but I guess that too is part of her charm.
Punk-Teddy, well I only got to know her well over the past two weeks or so. But so far I do like what I know. And I think the name I picked out of her is quite appropriate. She’s nice, kind, treats her friends well....all qualities I like. A curious type girl who likes finding stuff out and trying new things. I have had a good time chatting with her over the past week or two. It’s a pity that you have to leave, I know that others as well as me will miss you a lot.
I don’t care what anyone says, kids aint bad....there pretty darn good, sure they have their flaws, but older people have too many flaws. You know how hard it is to nicely talk to most girls my age? Next to damn impossible, they all either think everyone’s up to something or they are too good to talk to most guys. Most of them don’t even give anyone a chance to get to know each other better. Plus my any girlfriend I get must be age 16 or above rule, makes kids awesome friends, there is no “ooh is this going somewhere thoughts from either of us”. So it makes it so much easier to be friends with them. Sure they may not be able to get out a lot, but when they do, they know how to have fun, I do go out with older people every now and then, and I have to tell you, most of them are really boring, and the ones that aren’t....there idea of fun, is breaking every rule in the book, hey I don’t have problem with breaking most of the rules....but there’s a limit to that, clean and simple fun is much better.
You know now that I read this, it sounds, and awful lot like a goodbye post at some points. But that’s the last thing this is. Until all of them grow up and become like the snobbish girls I mentioned above and think they are too good enough to hang with some old guy like me, I shall be there friend :P....but I do hope that doesn’t happen. And even when I go abroad for studies, they will be on the things I will surely miss from home. Climbing the sand hill, shoving people in the car baggage compartment, seeing the snipers, dropping pizza on police officers (btw I hear someone is investigating who dropped a slice of pizza on his head :P)...and so much more, are all memories I will cherish for a long time. If in this post or in any previous ones I have said anything really offensive, I do apologize for that, and I will gladly take it off. And as for this post, what I wrote about each of them is in no way decreasing the value of the other. I met them all under different circumstances of their lives, and each person is a different and unique personality, that is why it may seem I am saying more about some people than others.
I do know quite a number of people, even people whose names I cannot quite remember. But my friends are few, very few. I don’t even call everyone I know my friends, there are acquaintances’ and then there are friends. You could easily count the number of friends I have. And I consider all of these kids, my friends. I don’t give a rats ass what anyone says about that.:D.

“A good friend will bail you out of jail and lecture you about how you messed up. A great friend will be sitting right next to you laughing about it saying "damn, we really screwed up!" – Unknown (Damn who ever said this is one awesome dude)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 3: Making a Statement

It was a Friday and I was at Sasuke-Guy’s house, playing Assassin’s Creed by combining my awesome laptop with his huge TV. Assassin’s Creed is an awesome game; I love it, the graphics, and the realism, Altaïr….uh this post isn’t about Assassin’s Creed, so lets me move on to what it is really about.
The plans for that day was to later on hang out during the others, around 8 or so. This had been a plan made one week in advance, and I was invited to come. At first it was everyone meeting. But than at one point B1 & B2 had to go to resorts (Two different resorts), although that was at that time who I was most friendly with (DM isn’t the talkative type and I really didn’t know much about Punk-Teddy) I decided to go. DM was especially keen on taking me, saying that she will talk this time, that she will annoy me, and that she won’t disappear with a bf this time. (Ya she sounds like a politician making promises for her next election :P)
Anyway soon the time came, and we met up with them near Fantasy Bakery. Punk-Teddy, DM, DM’s sis and Arky were already in the car. Before I got in I asked Sasuke-Guy “Which one is DM?” They both look really alike to me, and it wouldn’t have been nice if I said something to the wrong girl.
As this time there weren’t so many people as before (and I think it was bigger car than before), we really didn’t have to squeeze in, I certainly was comfortably seated.
We drove to the same place as previous two nights, the carnival main gate. Punk-Teddy’s bro was already waiting for us there, and we were also soon joined by Punk-Teddy’s bf. We loitered around a bit considering where to go. DM still didn’t say much, so I said a few words, but all she did was, stand there smiling like an idiot.
Soon we decided to go to dolphin and started walking in that direction. Following standard procedure, DM and her sister were the first to leave our group. They didn’t even make it to the steps going up to Dolphin. Halfway through they met some guys (which I assumed were there bf’s) and parted ways with us.
We went up to Dolphin, joined two tables, and took our seats, leaving to empty chairs for DM and her sister. We talked a bit, mostly just small talk, I also told Punk-Teddy about what had happened the previous day. Then Punk-Teddy’s brother got a call and left saying he had to go meet up with some people, and that he would be back. Some time passed and Punk-Teddy said that she and her bf would go and find the rest of them. “Raaaaight, that’s exactly why you two a going, to find the rest of us” That’s what I was thinking at that moment. “Ya, sure” that’s what I said. But before they left we made her give us her wallet, so that we could eat, even if no one showed up. After they left we ordered our food and a vanilla milkshake for Punk-Teddy.
So there we were Me, Sasuke-Guy and Arky sitting at a table with mostly empty seats, to a gathering which I thought would involve more people. Soon the topic turned into how messed up this was. We had just been ditched, to a get together we had been INVITED to. I mean the three of us could hang out, anywhere, anytime we wanted. We didn’t have to allocate specific time, or make specific plans for that. I really understand, and have nothing against that they want to spend time with there significant others. BUT, if that was what they wanted to do, there was no need to invite us, as none of us are on the list of there significant others. (Ok, in case certain two people decide to flame me because of that sentence, I am talking about that time, and the people that were there then)
I decided to go take a look around, to see if I could find anyone. The first one I noticed was DM’s sis, she and her bf were near the stage area railings. Walking around a bit, I saw DM, she had a boy on her….lol….uuh she was walking around with her bf, who had his arms on her shoulder. I thought she saw me, but I later found out she didn’t. The others were no where in sight.
I went back to Dolphin and came up with the plan. We were not going to take this sitting down (well until we finish eating that is). We were not going to call them, we were not going to beg them to come, it was simple common sense that if you invite someone, you should stay with them for most of the time. We decided to make a statement. We were just going to finish eating, pay with Punk-Teddy’s money, and leave. As we were eating DM called us. I was the one to talk to her; she asked us where we were. I told her that we had left, I intended to tell her that we were at dolphin later, but the conversation got quite long and I forgot (Sorry about that, its totally against my no lie policy).
So we finished our food, paid for it, then very nicely walked to where DM and her sister were, gave her Punk-Teddy’s wallet and simply left.
I would have to say the only good part about that night was the free food, and even that wasn’t that great. DM was quite like most politicians. They too make a lot of promises, but when they achieve there goal, they are unable to keep those promises. I always looked at my self as an honest person, who tells it like it is; maybe there are some people who don’t like me for that, but that’s just me. And as for that night, I have to say, I didn’t quite like what they did. Ya sure, walking out on my treat, may seem worse to most people, but that night, I know that it was in no way there fault, and they could do nothing to change it. But inviting someone out, and then ditching them, that’s something you can change.
I totally understand, and even support the fact that they will want to hang out with there bf’s alone. But if that’s all you want to do, there’s no need to drag others along. Well another lesson learned I guess. Do not go if B1 & B2 are not going, even though they both have bf’s….I can drag one of them out of where ever they are hiding (plus I know he wouldn’t ditch me anyway….raaaight?) and B2…well so far she hasn’t totally ditched others altogether to be with her bf.
Ya I know bf’s are very important, but so are friends, no one should ever forget that.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 2: Just Kids With Bedtimes....

Since the day at the carnival grounds, I had pretty much become good friends with everybody. Everyone except Punk-Teddy had added me on msn (really I mean no offense by saying that, just stating facts :P). They were all interesting to talk to and I considered them among my friends list.

I was at Sasuke-Guys house watching the movie untraceable when he got the call. It was B1 & B2 calling. They were at the Carnival and were bored. DM and her sister was spending time with there significant others and they were alone. So they asked him to come. But Sasuke-Guy being the g…. uh person he is he was reluctant to do so. It took a little convincing from me to make him go. So we (we meaning me, Sasuke-Guy and Arky) left for the Carnival. We told Sasuke-Guys mother that we were going somewhere nearby…then walked a little, called her mum and says the place was full so we are taking a cab and going to the carnival.

At the carnival grounds we found them in the dark area behind Skippy (yes I too do wonder what a bunch of little girls…and there bf’s are doing there:P). We first met B1 & B2, it seems B2 had called Sasuke-Guy instead of her bf (Guess girls do like hanging around a ga....). I stood there trying to scare (and succeeding too) B2. Soon we were joined by DM when her bf left for basketball tryouts. She just like the previous day, stood silently.

So we just stayed there, joking and stuff. Then someone noticed something yellow in the trees nearby (I think it was B2 herself). But this time she got scared by herself, yes I admit I did push just a little bit, but later I even said it was nothing, its just a bunch of leaves, I even went and touched it. But she was still scared. What I really wanted to do was put my hand into the trees…and act and scream like something got me. But I decided against doing that. I didn’t want to be responsible for giving a 13 year old a heart attack.

Then B2 started showing everyone something that was written on the far wall. She asked everyone what she saw. (Btw when I later knew what she really was doing…I have to say…it surprised me…she’s smarter than I thought :P). I honestly didn’t see anything, no one but B2 was able to see what was written on the wall. We all tried really hard…looking in different angles…guessing…but with no avail. B1 walked a little further from us to look at the wall. I too followed and stood next to her looking at the wall. I’m sure you people all have seen Tom & Jerry, you remember when sometimes Tom jumps….straight out of his skin?....That’s kinda what happened next. B1 suddenly noticed me standing next to her, got startled and jumped….I mean she really ACTUALLY jumped….I was surprised when she did that too….but I was able to keep my two feet firmly on the ground :P
Soon they started saying that they were hungry, and I got a thought I would regret in a short while. “I think I will give them a treat tonight, they are my friends, and once the holidays end, I wont get to meet them a lot, so I think I will give them a treat tonight” Thinking this, I told them I can feed them, and everyone agreed. So all of us (me, Sasuke-guy, B1, B2, DM & Arky) headed to skippy and took our seats. “Oder what ever you want” I told them. Most asked for fish and chips. So we ordered and we were sitting there talking and joking…and then ev….uh DM’s sister came and said they have to go. At first I was a little confused to what was going on, but then when I realized that they were leaving my first thoughts were “What the F*** !!” It seems when her mother called DM’s sis, she told her mother that they had finished eating and that they had to go…so now…they had to go. All us guys were saying don’t go. We tried cancelling the order, but it was too late now. I tried a few times to make them stay…but then I just went speechless.

Have any of you ever been, sad, angry and annoyed all the same time? I assure you….it aint nice. I hadn’t felt this bad since my great depression. I was giving free food and these people were LEAVING. “Here you can have the money I brought” DM’s sister replied. Now if it was someone else I would have either stormed out of there or shouted. To me that was like adding insult to injury, to think that I was upset about something as material as money. But I knew she meant well, so I just said its ok, she can keep the money.

My whole night had been ruined, they left all saying how sorry they were, but that didn’t change the fact that this sucked. I knew this wasn’t there fault, but that didn’t make things better either. Soon the food came and I was staring at empty chairs. Not to waste the food, Sasuke-Guy and Arky called up two people they knew and invited them over. GREAT, just great…now I was feeding a bunch of people I don’t even know. Call me whatever you want, but the fact of the matter is; I don’t mind spending on my friends, but feeding people I have never met, is just a waste of my money.

That I guess is pretty much the end of day two, we finished up the food and went home. They really were sorry, I knew they were. They said they would make it up to me…but honestly that doesn’t matter, what’s done is done….I’m not gonna keep pulling at one thing a hundred times. But one thing I learned is, no matter how fun they are, no matter how grown up they want to act and be….at the end of the day, they are just a bunch of kids with bedtime. I would do well not to forget that.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Day 1: Kids Are Fun

Ever since Sasuke-guys birthday party at his house, I was told that some girls were throwing a party for him (can you believe this guy?), at first it was more than 10 girls, but the number depleted, or some other girls held party for him, either way the final number came down to just the girls who had attended Sasuke-guys first party.

Although I had been told of this party, I really had no interest in going, (not to mention that I wasn't invited). But on the day that the party was finally held, I went. Mostly because I was really bored and I am a doing stuff on impulse kinda guy and that day’s impulse was to go. So I uuuh invited myself to the party.

Sasuke-guy and me, left from his house and headed towards Punk-Teddy's house where the party was at. As we entered the alley in which her house was, I heard some giggling and looked up, to see....well a bunch of giggling girls at one of the windows in the building (the third floor if I remember correctly). And in their hands, were water balloons. Have you seen the Friends episode where Ross has a really young girl friend, and the gf and her friends throw water balloons, well this was kinda like that, except these girls were an awful shot...I mean AWFUL. My auto reflex was to jump back, but Sasuke-guy didn’t, and even then it didn’t hit him, there were a few more balloons that dropped down on us, but none of them even managed to wet us even a little bit. I guess little girls arnt really good shots. But this was certainly a fun start.

After "evading" the barrage of water balloons that was thrown at us, we climbed the stairs to Punk-Teddy's apartment. Unfortunately there were no more surprises waiting for us (yes unfortunately, more surprises would have been fun). B1, B2 and Punk-Teddy were smiling as if they had done something great by missing all the water balloons they had thrown at us.

The next hour or so, was relatively uneventful. DM and her sister arrived soon afterwards. We ate short eats, cut a countline chocolate cake they had got for Sasuke-guy and ate that too. As I waited I did a little analysis, a psycho profile if you might, of the people there. The sweet, but a bit shy girl, the hyper active talkative one, the shy, distant girl (either that she's mute :P) and the friendly but....bit crazy girl (and that would be the one who tried to set fire to the cherries). I was correct to some extent with my analysis on all of them.

Soon we decided to go to skippy's, by the time we were able to leave with all the dilly dally of girls, it was dark, and as I made my way down the stairs, I made a most amusing discovery. B2 was real easy to scare, I mean extremely easy to scare. All I had to do was make a few noises and she went, "please stop". (yes, picking on small children right, I don’t care what you think, fun is fun, and for you information, I am not age biased, show me an older girl or guy who’s a scardy cat, and I will pick on her too :P, and if it’s a GUY, I will laugh him straight out of town).

Downstairs we waited for quite some time for a ride, I noticed that DM and her sis were at a corner a bit away from us, but I really did not know what to do about that, so I just picked on/talked to B2, B1 and Punk-Teddy. Soon...well not soon, our ride came. It was not a really big ride, so we ended up being all squished inside it. Now....if it was with a bunch of older girls...I wouldn’t be complaining, but this was like being squished with sisters or cousins....just plain un-comfortable, maybe Sasuke-guy enjoyed it....or on the other hand, maybe not, I was after all the only other guy in there.

Soon after we made it to skippy, Punk-Teddy's bf showed up, her brother was also with us there. At Skippy's we went for the rides, first was the bumper cars, they were ok, but I think I am gonna stick to Mercedes in Need for Speed :P. Next we went on the frog jump; which was this ride which went up and down and up and down. Since only three people could get on it at a time, in my turn B1, B2 and I went. I chose that group because I had a feeling that would be most fun. While B1 for the most part sat quietly next to me, B2 was on fire, screaming and shouting, it was hilarious....I honestly have seen better action.....uuuh never mind.

I soon noticed that somewhere between entering skippy and going on the rides, DM and her sister had disappeared. I was not really sure, but I did see them with some boys. Anyway after that we went for some drinks....and people started "disappearing" till finally it was just me, Sasuke-guy, B1 & B2. Then Sasuke-guy mentioned something about love, and everyone came to instant alert, are you in love...who do you love?...I think the idea of Sasuke-guy being in love struck a chord somewhere deep within

Soon we got up from our seats and headed out, all the way B1 was asking about this girl Sasuke-guy loved, and she wouldn’t stop until he gave her an answer. We stayed in the Carnival courtyard near the gate, joking around, either waiting for DM and her sister, or our ride, or maybe both, am not really sure right now. We were all joking around and pushing each other. As B2's back was turned, I pushed her into a puddle, well she didn’t fall INTO it, but she stepped into it. And she was all "Oh god, mud on my mum will kill", and then she turned around and asked who it was. I owned up, but she would not believe me :. (I don’t think even now she believes it). She said someone "stronger" pushed her, and I don’t look strong. After repeatedly saying I did it, she decided to go after me, even though she didn’t believe me.

Well, she was really weak, couldn’t even move me, or I simply stepped out of the way, then Punk-Teddy and her bro got involved...well let’s just say I never stood a chance against them. I did my best to avoid them, but in the end, they pushed me into the puddle. And B2 was acting like it was a big victory even though she failed (weak little girl :P)

Then I went towards the dark alley behind the trees in the carnival ground, they said not to because people do "stuff" there (but B2 was mostly concerned about things that go bump in the night). I went ahead and saw that there was no one there and that it was really short....but dark. So as I knew everyone else would soon follow me, I hid in an enclosure in the wall. Then I specifically waited till B2, came up and shouted. NOW THAT WAS FUN. It seems it was really dark and NO BODY had noticed me. I scared the shit out of everyone. B2 was screaming, even the others shouted a little or went back a little till they realised it was me.

Soon our ride came, and there was more uncomfortable squishing and we arrived at Punk-Teddy's house. And that was the end of that day.

I know it may not seem really fun when you read it, or a bit childish, (I don’t really care) but I have been out with grown up gangs too, it wasn’t that fun. So as of today, I stand corrected, kids are fun.


Friday, July 11, 2008

Intro: Meet the Gang

This new post so far is planned to be the first of a 5 post story, about something that happened to someone, this first post will be like a character description plus some sort of prologue. Am gonna write the story in first person view, as I am not really good at writing in third person.
Anyway, here are the cast of the story;
Name: Damian
Age: 19
The main patron of this story, just an average guy. Not much to be said about him. And no, the picture inst an exaggeration, he does look too young to be 19.

Name: Sasuke-Guy
Age: 13 - 14
A Sasuke wannabe, used to ask people to even call him Sasuke before everyone started teasing him. He says hes "over" Sasuke, but everyone has there doubts, many thinks hes just in denial. Likes animes, video games, movies etc....and knows a LOT of girls. But hes like Sasuke in that he would rather do something else, then do something with all the girls that are interested in him. An overall ok cool guy, but sometimes a little....well how shall I u know the song that goes something like "oooh Aaaaaim too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, so sexy it hurts"....I dont really need to tell much more right?

Name: B1
Age: 12
The younger of the two bananas, why she got designated 1, was probably due to winning of some argument over who will be one. The silent loner type, except with her best friend B2. Known to get surprised easily, so approach with caution.

Name: B2
Age: 13
Almost the complete opposite of B2, hyperactive, talkative, known to be smart on some occasions (Well I guess if you shoot enough bullets at least one of them will hit the target). Known to get spooked VERY easily (I mean common its just a bunch of leaves). Very girly, worried about sand and mud and all that. B1 and B2 have been together since almost birth. Fun to spook and annoy.

Name: DM
Age: 13
First impression would be a thin, lost in her own world kinda girl, and you would be right on the most part. REALLY talkative online, but face to face....well lets just say, even a dead fish would say more. Of everyone....she has the most...well lets say "different" thoughts. Shes the kind that really talks the talk....but has a hard time walking the walk.

Name: Punk-Teddy
Age: 13
Not much to be said as much to still be known, included her here as she is in this story, and is one the gang.

t was Sasuke-Guys birthday party night that I first met them, they were the only non family invitees save for one or two.
Sasuke-Guy introduced me to them, and told them I was 19, which they refused to believe until I threatened to show my ID card.
"Damn, this is boring, just a bunch of gossiping little girls" I thought as I sat there.
I tried very hard to start some sort of fun activity to make the party a bit more interesting, but I had a tough time getting there attention. B1 & B2 were going all blah, blah, blah, blah. DM was lost in her own world, and Punk-Bear was playing a Gameboy Advanced. I mean common this is a PARTY, you can do that stuff even at home, how lamer can kids get huh.
Finally after a lot of hard work, I was able to get there attention, but just as things got interesting, most of them had to leave.
"Just as I thought, a bunch of boring little kids with bed times"

To be continued.....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Happily Ever After....

…And then the prince rode the princess to his castle on his white horse, and they lived happily ever after.

What a load of crap!

Growing up, I am sure all of us have been greatly touched by these fairy tales, these tales of happily ever afters. We fill out minds with thoughts of princes and princes and heroic deeds that win over the fair maiden. As we grow up, our thoughts do become more realistic, but deep down we are still searching for that prince to take us to his castle that he built just for us, or to find out which “heroic” tasks will win over the maiden that will win over the maiden that we desire. So this we may live happily ever after with our “the one”.

Love is the ultimate source of happiness that everyone seeks, and since this post is about love (although it may at first have seemed to be about fairy tales:P), let me be very cliché and write the dictionary meaning of love. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines love as strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties (yes there are a few more, I am just listing the first one). This is just one of the definitions of love, if you search the internet you can find thousands more. I guess in the end, what love is, is just a matter of opinion.

Love is sacrifice, love is wanting to make someone happy, love is wanting to protect them, to make sure they never shed a tear. Love is doing everything in you power, just to see them smile. Love is being able to sacrifice what you want for someone else, and in the end be happy because that person is happy. Love is being there for someone, because it makes yourself happy. To love is not to regret the sacrifices you make, and to be by their side no matter what.

That’s what I can think of about love, I know there will be, many people who disagree with my definition of love, and many who will say such love doesn’t exist. I am not here to say, I am right, or to prove that such love exists, but only to say that, that is what I think true love is.

Deep down inside, most of us do have a fairy tale impression of love; that if we truly love someone nothing else matters, that everything else will be all right. And that we live happily ever after once we find true love. But the reality is far from this. Love isn’t about happy endings, fate, destiny, the one and all that shit. Finding love isn’t a happy ending, it’s only the beginning, of a constant battle to keep our happiness secure.

There isn’t any such person as the one, there are many people in the world that we can make it with, who we end up with depends on the actions and choices we make. Just because we really love someone doesn’t make everything work out, love doesn’t rise against all the winds of the world and triumph over everything.

I know I sound like a total cynic, but I am really a big believer of love. Of true love, that love is a great power that can fuel you and help you accomplish extraordinary things. Love is happiness, it is the ultimate joy. But it is not enough. You can truly love someone more than anything else in the whole world and still do a lot of crappy stuff. And that is when, love isn’t enough.

“What? Do I still love you? Absolutely. There's not a doubt in my mind. Through all my anger, my ego, I was always faithful in my love for you. That I ever made you doubt is the great mistake in a life full of mistakes. I can tell you that I love you as many times as you can stand to hear it but it doesn't set us free, all it does is remind us that love is not enough. It's not even close” – Life is a house - 2001