Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Minds of Men

Some say that people are generally bad, that they are rotten in the inside. Others say that they are good, that they can find goodness in the hearts of everyone. But the truth is, people are just stupid, they are neither good nor bad, just really stupid. Especially Maldivians.
We demand the luxury’s that the world has to offer, yet we are not willing to lift a finger to earn it. We rather blame others then work for what we want. Recently I herd something someone said. The inhabitants of a small island had been relocated to a bigger island due to some reasons. And one woman was saying “We had to leave a lot of our things in the island when we moved, and they are still in the island. We are just a few people, and so there are only a few things, even with the normal sea vessels we have, it can be brought in just two trips, but still the government has not brought the stuff for us”. This really shows what kind of people we are. Yes, I agree, if the government did move you, they are obliged to bring your stuff for you too. But, that doesn’t mean you keep on waiting till they do it for you. Its not like you were moved to the other side of the country. As you said, you guys could easily do it yourself. So what are you waiting for? Why don’t you do it? Simply as a matter of principle? That the government HAS to do it?
As I see it these days, what many, Maldivians want to do is just sit back and relax in there houses while the government does EVERYTHING for them. And there are people actually promoting this bull shit, and more importantly people believing it. As I said before, stupid.
A friend of mine said, places like Malaysia and Singapore got there independence around the same time as us, but look at how much they have developed, and look at us. True, but you cannot compare us to them; just getting independence isn’t a corner stone for development. Those countries were better known to the world, were bigger, and had more resources and people then us. Especially people. We think a country is who ever is at the top, the leaders; true they play an important role, but a country is its people. The people of those countries worked hard to achieve that development they had. There was once a time that even us Maldivians were like that. That the people of islands worked together, that they themselves were the people who built there infrastructure and worked hard for development. But then came along the people who claimed that was all wrong. That no one should have to lift a finger. And now that’s all we want to do, we say we want this and that, and then we wait for some government contractors of some foreign country to do it for us. Many say that the development this country has seen in the past years would have occurred over natural course no matter who was ruling. I am not hear to ay anything to that. But I know that we would have progressed even further if we hadn’t stopped believing that it was our own right and responsibility, as much as it is the governments to develop this nation. I don’t believe it will really make much of a difference in the lines of development and progress no matter who is ruling if we don’t realize that.
Democracy is a nice word, it has been plastered all over the media in many different forms, modern democracy, true democracy etc etc… Especially I have herd a lot that we are working towards a modern democracy, to be on par with the “leaders” of democracy in the world. But you know what? Following some other countries, norms and values isn’t a democracy, its something like copying off a test paper. I think most of us have forgotten that very famous phrase regarding democracy; “for the people, by the people, from the people”. A democracy is whatever we want it to be, within acceptable norms of human society and our religion. We do not have to follow some countries way of life saying that they are the so called leaders of democracy.
If you truly want this country to develop, know that you will have to play a part in that. If you want your life to be better, know that you will have to work to achieve that. It’s just stupid to believe that, someone else has to do everything for you. The government has its responsibilities, and so do you. As long as you can’t accept that, this country wont get much better, no matter who’s at the top.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Crimson Tale

I always liked writing stories, so i thought I'd give it a try. Below is a link to my blog Crimson Tale.

Crimson Tale

It currently has the Prologue of two stories:
Dreams of a Monster: This is a I guess fiction type story, read it and you'll understand what I mean. I don't want to give too much away.

In Your Memory: This story is more real life, as you can probably guess by reading the prologue its a love story.

I have made it so that my readers can rate the two prologues, I don't intend to continue both the stories. I'll leave the prologue there for a while, and continue which ever gets a higher rating.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I've Been Tagged....

Ok now its my turn....well here goes..

1. what's ur latest addiction? 24 (the series rocks)

2. what are u listening to? Gary Jules - Mad World (nice song, herd it from the series Jericho)
3. how late did u stay up last night n why? slept around 12, I was reading the book twilight....yes the same one for which a movie is gonna be released soon)
4. who were u with last friday night? I am not sure...but i think I was alone at home
5. do u think u'll be in a relationship 3 months from now? They way things are right now, I am pretty sure I wont be in one
6. when is the next time u'll see ur close friends? tomorrow probably
7. what were u doing this morning at 7am? getting ready to go to work

8. what radio station do u listen to the most? hmmmm don't really listen to much radio....but dhiFM i guess
9. what was the reason u last cried? cox I remembered some stuff....that's as much as i am gonna tell :P

10. have u ever talked to someone when they were high? ya mi hisaabuganduga ulheyne payteyn...somethimes they say stuff like "Part liteh nehtha, partu gadin kihaaireh tha"XD....well i guess answering them isnt actually talking

11. what's the fifth text in ur inbox say? I have three active e-mail accounts:P....heres one from my personal account "Account Activation"....hehe not really interesting huh

12. where was the last coffee shop u went to? where?....kinda stupid question aint it....rite here in male' of course:P

13. what's ur outfit right now? dark orange long-sleeved t-shirt and faded blue jeans

16. what were u doing at 11pm last night? hmmmm reading twilight

17. who was the last person u talked to last night before bed?
my mum
18. will u be driving in a year? that's what I am hoping for
19. is there anything that u are craving right now? ya a good beef steak...I am always kinda craving for that XD

20. when did ur last hug take place? I actually dont remember....ya that loong :|

22. have u ever started a sentence with "No offense, but..."? nah not really, but i rarely mean to offend friends know that

23. Do u drink tea? a lot, i like tea....especially lemon tea
24. have u ever been arrested? no.....but mite be a good experience XD hehe...just kidding

25. have u rode in someone else's car today? does a taxi count?

26. have u made a mistake this past week? the past week no.....but i might have made one tonight....not sure yet

27. who was the last person u texted? a friend

28. are u happy with ur life right now? I've been happier
29. in the past 72 hr have u been under the influence of sleep? ofcourse
30. what's the connection between u and the last person u texted? close friend

I wud really like to know who came up with this, also I would ask him or her to learn to count:P....well anyway I tag Darky and Arky.....haha that rimes XD

I just liked the photo...thats all....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Above is an ambigram, I made this for two reasons. One, as a tribute my newest best friend, shau :)....and secondly, to see if someone will be stupid enough to try and push copy right infringement for me doing this. This is solely my work, it took my about 45 minutes to come up with the disign and a lot of time to do the editing, it reads HUSHAMSHAU, ya i knowthe a and m is a bit hard to read, but if u look at it as separate can read it nicely. Well hope shau...and others like this too.....below is a flash animation of the image rotating.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Its 2 AM and I am pretty sure I am the only one up in my house, I went to sleep, but I couldn't, so I thought maybe I'd write this post that I have been meaning to write.
There he was, happily climbing up the stairs, thinking of the latest good events in his life, when it suddenly hit his ears. A certain song, coming from a television set from one of the apartments, and it was if the whole world suddenly shattered, memories came rushing in as if a dam broke. In essence they were not unhappy memories, but time and circumstances, had made them so.

Aren't memories a strange thing? In life we go through so much, so many adventures, so many happiness, so much many memories. We remember so much, yet we forget so much. They say that time heals all wounds, but does it truly? we really forget? Many a times do we find memories we had thought long buried, memories that we judged to no longer matter rush back into our minds, filling us with momentary happiness, or grief.

People say, always remember the good, think of the happy times, not the sad, the good that happens, not the bad. But that's the thing about memories, they aren't really happy or sad, they are just memories. The ones that once let you sleep peacefully at night, may soon become the ones that keep you up. The happy times that you spend with that someone special, may become memories of sadness and regret. All those speeches of love and sacrifice may turn into what keeps you up at nights, and at times darken your heart. The memories of once endured hardships and embarrassments may today make you laugh and feel happiness.

In life we laugh, we grieve, we cry, we enjoy....we love....and then what?....we forget?...No we don't....we remember. I am told that if one can truly come to terms with everything that happens, we will generally have happy memories. But how many of us has that luxury? To be truly at peace. But one thing I know for sure is, whether they make my laugh, or cry, or stop me from sleeping, I truly do cherish my memories, I truly cherish all the people and places and events connected to those memories, no matter how they make me feel, and I will never ever forget them. They will always matter, they will always have a place in my heart.

Now playing: Hinithun velaashey kalaa

no pic this time hehe.....

"When we are all grown up, when we have kids of our own, a family, a job, this moment right now....will we remember it?" - Chrono Cross