Listed below are the 10 kinds of people that I hate the most, in order from least to most. All of these features are there to some extent in all of us, even me. It is when they become the defining characteristic of a person, it becomes a problem. Well here goes.
10. Indolent: Being lazy isn’t a crime, but it isn’t exactly the best thing to be either. I don’t like people who won’t do something just because they are just too lazy to get there butt off where there sitting, or hoping that someone else will come and do it for them. And the worst part is, most of these people are complaining how life is bad, that nothing good ever happens, how nobody is doing anything for them. This country has become quite abundant with these types these days. You know what? Nothing goods ever going to happen if you don’t do something about it, being lazy and not working for it or trying to make others do everything for you wont work. Life is hard and cruel, if you want something, you are going to have to go out there and get it.
9. Craven: Cowards are among the worst people in the world. I am not talking about being afraid of the dark or scary movies or stuff like that. In fact it is fine to be scared. People think being brave is been fearless, but it isn’t. Bravery is been able to act despite fear, being able to take action even when your shaking in you shoes, even when your worried sick what the consequences of there actions will be. People who even refrain from doing the right thing, or help out a friend because they are too afraid of what might happen to them are not worth even a cent in my book.
8. Avarice: Wealth and possessions are all good, I want them too, and we should try hard to achieve them. But it is when this need for wealth over takes us, it becomes a problem. These days we see people so overcome with greed they would go to any extent to get money and possessions. Even sell there own parents to make a quick fortune. We should never allow greed to consume us to such a extent that we would throw aside everything else for wealth.
7. Hypocrite: These days everyone seems to have an opinion on everything, always telling others what they should and should not do. But many lack the decency to stick to what they say. One moment they are saying one thing, and the next they are doing the exact opposite. Don’t give others advice, or voice your opinion if it isn’t something you would do yourself. We must first look to ourselves before we judge or advice others.
6. Miser: I guess most people think there isn’t much of a difference between been greedy and been a miser, but I beg to differ. A miser is someone who has a lot of money, but would rather keep it all in his bank account than spend even a penny. Some say it’s knowing the value of money, or economizing. But that’s just crap; these are people who really don’t know the value of money. Money isn’t the final objective, it only a means to getting what you want. That present for your loved one, that new game you want, the cool car you saw, the delicious food you like, the relaxing holiday….these are the things money is for. You can always make more money, but the happiness it can bring, is invaluable. No matter how damn hard you try, you can’t take it with you.
5. Corrupt: In my opinion people who are bestowed with power and status, are done so for the greater good. They are given the responsibility of using it to do the right thing. How ever more than many, stray from the righteous path and work to better there own lives. They start using the power and influence that was intended to be used for the betterment of the masses, for there own gain. I sometimes wonder how such people can sleep at night, knowing that there happiness came at the cost of the betterment of so many peoples lives.
4. Petulant: Some people think they are so cool getting angry over every little thing. They think that if they shout enough and get angry everyone will do things there way. I for one would not bend to a angry person, he can throw as many damn tantrums as he want, he just will have to calm down and ask me nicely before I do it for him. Anger is never good, it clouds your judgment, and you do things you regret later. Plus, no one really likes someone who always gets angry. It’s always better to keep a cool head, and do things logically than out of pure anger. And really, its ok to feel anger, just not ok to always act on it, keeping it aside and keeping a cool head works best.
3. Two-Faced: We all have a lot of friends, but have you ever wondered how true a friend they are? Some people tend to act al nice and friendly in front of you, as if you’re the best person in the whole wide world, but the moment your back is turned you’re the worst person to ever see the light of day. I HATE people like that; if you have a problem with me, at least have the decency to say it to my face, don’t go pretending to be my friend just in front of me.
2. Liars: I guess the fact that liars made it to second spot must portray how much I despise them. If a friend lies to me for a reason that is not very good, I feel like connecting my hand with my friends face. Most of the time I can tell when people are lying, it really pisses me off. Being honest really is the best policy, there only VERY few circumstances under which you should really lie. Like if you life or a friends life depended on it. I certainly admire someone who is honest, even if they are saying something that doesn’t really make me happy. Lies would be much worse that hurting my feelings or making me a bit sad.
1. Traitors: a.k.a those that are unforgivable. It would be very difficult to find it in my heart to forgive someone who betrayed me; especially if it was someone who I really trusted. I expect my friends to stick with me through even the hardest times, because I would do the same for them. I would rather be poor, shamed, in prison, dead…or even all of them, then turning my back on a friend, or selling them out to save my own hide. Friends are invaluable, I would never give any of them up for even all the money in the world. A traitor is someone who doesn’t know the true value of a friend. I have herd stories of traitors, and I wonder how they can find it in them to destroy someone who held them dear, who helped them, who were good them. I certainly could never do that.